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“Il talento è una fonte da cui sgorga acqua sempre nuova.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Testa: Menta Crispa, Aldéhyde C12 MNA
Cuore: Ossido di Rosa, Rosa in infusione naturale, Geranio
Fondo: Patchouli Indonesiano, Muschio di quercia, Cedro della Virginia

Perfumers: Amelie Bourgeois, Camille Chamardine
Concept: Stefania Squeglia

Extrait de Parfum 33%
100ml / 3.4 fl oz
Natural Spray

Voice Note 02:23


Stefania's Voice Note

00:00 / 02:23

[+] Ingredienti/allergeni

Disponibile (ordinabile)

COD: TL508996 Categorie: , ,



Vivere sempre con Talento è il monito del VI Talismano.
Quel Talento che ci permette di realizzare tutto il nostro potenziale.
Le più grandi ricchezze non sono nulla senza il Talento di vivere.
Il Talento può essere delicato come una rosa e non farsi notare e sbocciare come dovrebbe.
Il Talento se ben protetto può crescere indisturbato.
Una menta tenace sa come proteggere le Rose. Menta e Rose.
Ecco il tema del sesto Talismano.

Emozioni e note di lavorazione direttamente dal Perfumer

“Pour Talento j’ai travaillé autour de l’histoire d’une rose qui va petit à petit s’épanouir grâce à une feuille de menthe. Ce parfum commence par une rose douce et fragile, un bouton de rose encore un peu vert à peine éclos. Elle possède néanmoins un côté sombre froid et piquant, illustré par les notes boisées et aldéhydées, comme des épines qui la protège du  monde extérieur. Une note de menthe va progressivement se mêler à cette rose et lui permettre de s’ouvrir et de s’épanouir. Cette petite rose va devenir fraiche et aérienne. La menthe sera comme un remède à sa fragilité et va lui apporter de la puissance.”


Lo splendore di Talento è protetto da uno spesso vetro francese e un tappo in raffinata tecnica di ceramica raku che astrae una rosa che da forma ad una spirale modellata dalle mani dell’artista Toscano Alessandro Reggioli.
Una passamaneria napoletana artigianale in filo grigio e un astuccio da gioielleria nero e argento.

Lovers Wall / talento


I am obsessed with Talento.

I am obsessed with Talento.

bgirlrhapsody via Instagram


Not to be a creeper, but one of the highlights of yesterday was smelling Talento.

Not to be a creeper, but one of the highlights of yesterday was smelling Talento.

Talento Lover


"I can't stop thinking about the uplifting, airy rose of Talento. Swipe to see the beautiful handcrafted cap. If you can get yourself to Twisted Lily ...

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"I can't stop thinking about the uplifting, airy rose of Talento. Swipe to see the beautiful handcrafted cap. If you can get yourself to Twisted Lily it's there to experience for yourself. Thank you Stefania. Your Id is still in my heart since its “birth” "

spritzi_mcgillacutty, NY via Instagram


This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to ...

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This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to your heart, to grow your talent and to follow it. Yes, I feel your love in your creations, because they all have a part of your heart and soul. That is the reason I love them so much. Thank you. ??❤

Nadine, Russia


I love Talento so much...

I love Talento so much...



Talento è maerviglioso, nella confusone di Esxence non avevo ben capito.

Talento è maerviglioso, nella confusone di Esxence non avevo ben capito.

Gaspare, Palermo IT


This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to ...

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This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to your heart, to grow your talent and to follow it. Yes, I feel your love in your creations, because they all have a part of your heart and soul. That is the reason I love them so much. Thank you. ??❤

Nadine, Russia


Talento is one of the most unique and stunning roses I have ever worn. ?Brava!!

Talento is one of the most unique and stunning roses I have ever worn. ?Brava!!

spritzi_mcgillacutty via Instagram


Talento is amazing smell!

Talento is amazing smell!

Luckas, Bratislava


Not to be a creeper, but one of the highlights of yesterday was smelling Talento.

Not to be a creeper, but one of the highlights of yesterday was smelling Talento.

Talento's Lover


"This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to ...

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"This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to your heart, to grow your talent and to follow it. Yes, I feel your love in your creations, because they all have a part of your heart and soul. That is the reason I love them so much. Thank you. ??❤ "

Nadine, Russia


A mesmerizing rose apparition: Talento by Mendittorosa. A gentle rose reborn in the icy flames of mint and aldehydes. Beautiful.

A mesmerizing rose apparition: Talento by Mendittorosa. A gentle rose reborn in the icy flames of mint and aldehydes. Beautiful.

Bloom Perfumery, London

Athanor - Le Mat - Nettuno - Talento

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the great and exciting scents from the Talisman collection. I received the entire ...

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I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the great and exciting scents from the Talisman collection. I received the entire Pocket collection this week and I am very excited about these fantastic creations. Every single scent touched me deeply, took me to dream and broadened my horizon of scents. I would love to order some of these scents from you in the foreseeable future. Thank you very much for being able to experience an insight into this new and exciting world of fragrances.

Attila , Germany


I have Sogno Reale and Sirio, Talento will be another gem for me.

I have Sogno Reale and Sirio, Talento will be another gem for me.

Carla, Madrid


A mesmerizing rose apparition: Talento by Mendittorosa. A gentle rose reborn in the icy flames of mint and aldehydes. Beautiful.

A mesmerizing rose apparition: Talento by Mendittorosa. A gentle rose reborn in the icy flames of mint and aldehydes. Beautiful.
