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Talismans Collection Trade Mark

Talismans protect us and grant us power;
they are private prayers we hold close and whisper to in the dark. We wash them in tears.
In times of shadow and ash they remind us we are safe and loved, guided and sacred.

“In the Total Silence the Mind meets the Eternal.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti

“Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I fly
In an intergalactic space
Where gods are dancing…”

From “Neptune’s Flight”
by Marco Pesatori, astrologer & poet

“All that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream”

From “A Dream Within a Dream”
by Edgar Allen Poe

“And as the fiery Sirius alters hue,
And bickers into red and emerald…”
From “The Princess”
by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Talismans Collection Trade Mark


Extraits de Parfum

Talismans Collection is about perfumed extracts worn as fetish and armour. Imbued with spirit, dark love, deep love, halo and perfumed divinity. Worn on skin, close and intimate, they ward off affliction, mischief and harm.
Naples is the motherlode, the fertile genesis of Talismans Collezione Preziosa. In the ancient shadow of rumbling Vesuvius, the earth sleeps and mutters darkly in dreams of fire-painted skies and embers. Odours of ash, incineration and portent fill centuries of uncertainty. Devil horns, prayers, amulets, numbers, cards, phalli, wind chimes and holy objects decorate houses and lives to ward off eruptions and the ascension/surge of hell from the ground.

Napoli, eye of the cyclone, devils heaven, a city that needs totems and rosaries, symbols, invocation and numbers. A city of beauty and hell, both sacred and profane.
Precious talismans are needed to protect us now more than ever. Supplication and miracles, prayers and incantations for divine scented skin. Odours of confrontation and beauty to comfort our precious souls.
Talismans Collezione Preziosa. Perfumes of fate and desire. Choose your protection. From The Fool and Journeyman of the Major Arcana, a dream of symbolic and unconscious sea’s embryonic embrace or the yearning vastness of a nebulous cosmos; there is a talisman to protect and love you.

“All the soarings of my mind begin in my blood”
Rainer Maria Rilke

“Talent is a source always springing
with new water.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein

“Thus, the superior man consolidates his fate
by making his position correct.”
50, Ting. The Crucible. I Ching.

“The infinitely big in the infinitely small”

Lovers Wall / talismans

Le Mat

To me Mendittorosa is one of the best niche brands I've seen in my 9 years of perfume hobby. To see so much effort put into the ...

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To me Mendittorosa is one of the best niche brands I've seen in my 9 years of perfume hobby. To see so much effort put into the bottles, packaging and the perfume itself without following trends is really admirable - I agree with everything written in your manifesto. Bravo! Le Mat is such an exceptional perfume and holds a lot of meaning for me. It smells exactly like my precious childhood memories of hot summer days in the Italian countryside. There's so much love in Le Mat and I'm very lucky to have a bottle soon! The price is very big for a young student like me but wearing Le Mat makes the world become warmer, harmonious and more positive. That is truly something worth investing in!  Can't wait to try more Mendittorosa perfumes, especially Sogno Reale which is also composed by Flair.

Emil, Helsinki

Le Mat

I’be been dreaming of Le Mat since I tried it this spring ?
I’be been dreaming of Le Mat since I tried it this spring ?

@josephamhoang via Instagram

Le Mat

“Le Mat from Mendittorosa an earthy spicy combo brought by patchouli, geranium and wood mixed with cloves and nutmeg. A very interesting scent with good longivity ...

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“Le Mat from Mendittorosa an earthy spicy combo brought by patchouli, geranium and wood mixed with cloves and nutmeg. A very interesting scent with good longivity and sillage.”

@insane_about_perfumes - Dubai via Instagram

I’m so so happy that I decided to stop at your stand... I truly did not know what to expect, and as always, I always ...

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I’m so so happy that I decided to stop at your stand... I truly did not know what to expect, and as always, I always only try to go with my heart... meeting you was an amazing experience.. you are a wonderful person, and I also felt some kind of connection to you... I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s something from another life?… And to be honest, the moment I tried Osang, it transported me somewhere else... i have never smelled a perfume like this before... I cannot say exactly what it was... I have never been to Italy before... but this smell had a very very familiar feeling ... I have no words in English to describe ! 🙂 but that feeling was not from this Earth, if I can say like that… Your art, and everything what you do... is one of a kind... so , please, continue! Continue creating this magic.



A delicious perfume, refined and sophisticated... A breath of Spring…
A delicious perfume, refined and sophisticated... A breath of Spring…


“So much goodness in liquid”
“So much goodness in liquid”

Saurabh via Instagram

Le Mat

“Thank you - the package has arrived. The packaging is just beautiful, and the Le Mat smells heavenly! Thank you so much.”
“Thank you - the package has arrived. The packaging is just beautiful, and the Le Mat smells heavenly! Thank you so much.”


Le Mat

"I’m wearing a piece of liquid art on my skin, that’s my biggest satisfaction"
"I’m wearing a piece of liquid art on my skin, that’s my biggest satisfaction"

Rene Miami, USA

Le Mat

Hola Stefania, Le Mat arrived yesterday. Thank you so much. It is thrilling to have it. ?
Hola Stefania, Le Mat arrived yesterday. Thank you so much. It is thrilling to have it. ?

Mara USA


Italian independent perfumery seems to have more than its share of members who think perfume as art is something worth pursuing. Sig. ra Squeglia made that ...

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Italian independent perfumery seems to have more than its share of members who think perfume as art is something worth pursuing. Sig. ra Squeglia made that decision from the moment she founded Mendittorosa. Five years later she can still take me from the garden to the stars.

Mark Behnke USA

Le Mat

❤️ I'm so happy that I finally have this masterpiece in my collection. ? It arrived yesterday, but I have already been familiar with this scent for some ...

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❤️ I'm so happy that I finally have this masterpiece in my collection. ? It arrived yesterday, but I have already been familiar with this scent for some time. I remember last year's WebSummit in Lisbon where I was wearing it for several days and immediately fell in love with it. Now I can enjoy more of this herbal-gourmand rose. ? The bottle is fabulous, too.?


Le Mat

Im.deeply in love with it. Top 3 on my "to buy" list.
Im.deeply in love with it. Top 3 on my "to buy" list.

thereshecooks via Instagram

Le Mat

something about wearing this brand’s perfumes feels like casting spells. Le Mat the crazy fool energy. Powerful warm immortelle perfume, enchanting. The bottle is ♥️ Niche ...

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something about wearing this brand’s perfumes feels like casting spells. Le Mat the crazy fool energy. Powerful warm immortelle perfume, enchanting. The bottle is ♥️ Niche brands are all different. But when you come across one that is artisanal, intelligent and cool like this brand you know you stumbled across something true. It’s like with people, some people are all show and all the bravado is partially targeted within, they are trying to convince themselves and those around them that they are the “real deal”. Truly authentic ones don’t need the razzle dazzle, paid bloggers, fake stuff extravaganza. They are enough.

sa_san_bon via Instagram

Le Mat

Great combination of rose, immortelle and patchouli ! 🥀♥️💚
Great combination of rose, immortelle and patchouli ! 🥀♥️💚

lesplusbeauxparfums  via Instagram

Le Mat

“Ho infine valutato ,assaporato . L'anima me lo ha suggerito ,ieri sera ho fatto l'ordine ,ho acquistato Le Mat. Lo sento mio ed è affine a ciò che ...

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“Ho infine valutato ,assaporato . L'anima me lo ha suggerito ,ieri sera ho fatto l'ordine ,ho acquistato Le Mat. Lo sento mio ed è affine a ciò che ora desidero da una fragranza . Adoro ,mentre trascorre la giornata, riconfermare che mi piace davvero. Oltre al fatto che mi sono fatta il regalo del compleanno che tra breve arriverà!Grazie per avermi fatto scoprire nuovi orizzonti olfattivi “

Francesca Bologna, Italy


“Carissima, ho ricevuto ora il tuo pacco, mi sto addentrando poco alla volta nel tuo magico mondo.. sono folgorata dalle tue creazioni.. NETTUNO ad esempio è straordinario.... ...

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“Carissima, ho ricevuto ora il tuo pacco, mi sto addentrando poco alla volta nel tuo magico mondo.. sono folgorata dalle tue creazioni.. NETTUNO ad esempio è straordinario.... Ma il mio viaggio è appena cominciato…”

Monica (Italy) via Instagram

Le Mat

Lemat - The Kaleidoscopic Beauty.. Thousands of scents in the market majorly falls in two categories, non changing linear scents or evolving non linear scents . Lemat ...

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Lemat - The Kaleidoscopic Beauty.. Thousands of scents in the market majorly falls in two categories, non changing linear scents or evolving non linear scents . Lemat by @mendittorosa_odori_talismans can be called as a kaleidoscopic scent. A scent which is many things to many or a scent which shows various facets at various times . But when we spend more and more time with the scent it reveals us the real beauty with in . When I first tried this scent it felt like a beautiful rose fragrance, but after spending 2 months with it, I will say it’s one of the most amazing multifaceted scent out there . It’s starts very rosy , geranium adds a greenish tint to this phase , the profile is sprinkled with spicy notes of Nutmeg, Black pepper and Cloves , each of them in equal proportion. After a while the scent goes into an amazing woody base of cashmere woods . A Photorealistic chocolaty patchouli along with the beautiful immortal (the ace of spades in this perfume ) mixes into the rose/geranium combination to gives off an otherworldly apricot accord . Which is prevalent in the scent journey . No wonder the legend Luca Turin gave this a 5 star rating . A mesmerizing creation by Ann Sophie Behaghel @ansobehaghel .Its a must to have fragrance on every fragrance lovers collection ..


Le Mat

Got my order today, Stefania! Gorgeous frags!!!
Got my order today, Stefania! Gorgeous frags!!!

Juanjio Spain

Le Mat

At first sniff, it has already taken me places far beyond this realm. I would be a fool not to fall in love. le mat.
At first sniff, it has already taken me places far beyond this realm. I would be a fool not to fall in love. le mat.

_scenthe via Instagram


La sensazione è davvero particolare, perché le note di testa del pepe e dello zenzero che aprono il profumo sono come “trattenute” dal legno di sandalo che ...

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La sensazione è davvero particolare, perché le note di testa del pepe e dello zenzero che aprono il profumo sono come “trattenute” dal legno di sandalo che non permette loro di “invadere” l’olfatto, ma si fa da loro “annunciare”, arrivando al naso con discrezione, timido, in silenzio. In India la pasta di legno di sandalo viene tradizionalmente posta sulla fronte per calmare la mente e facilitare la concentrazione ed ha proprietà rinfrescanti e Chandana, il termine sanscrito che indica il sandalo, significa “che allieta”: così accade che discretamente le note del legno pervadano i sensi, allietandoli e siano sostenute dalle note di coda, tiepide, avvolgenti che ne prolungano la permanenza, sembrano quasi fissarlo nella memoria ed evocarlo continuamente, come un mantra.

Leonilda, Italy

Fanstatic! always love your perfume art work 🙂
Fanstatic! always love your perfume art work 🙂

@athena_huynh5791 via Instagram


“I didn’t expect these fragrances to be so incredibly good. That you for creating perfection. This is probably the first brand that has scent as ...

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“I didn’t expect these fragrances to be so incredibly good. That you for creating perfection. This is probably the first brand that has scent as wonderful as the packaging.”

Yana Germany


I wore Amygdala for yesterday and thought it was the pinnacle in a different world than Le Mat and Sirio. The residual scent I smelled upon ...

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I wore Amygdala for yesterday and thought it was the pinnacle in a different world than Le Mat and Sirio. The residual scent I smelled upon waking up earlier was also very wonderful. It is as if the fragrance expresses the feeling you get when you fall in love with someone!

Kosuke Japan

Le Mat

I’m so grateful for Le Mat. It has truly become one of favourite perfumes if not my favourite of all time.
I’m so grateful for Le Mat. It has truly become one of favourite perfumes if not my favourite of all time.

Fatima Ontario USA


A soft, contemplative fragrance with a beautiful sandalwood soul. A calming and grounding fragrance. A rather quiet fragrance that invites you to explore its facets in ...

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A soft, contemplative fragrance with a beautiful sandalwood soul. A calming and grounding fragrance. A rather quiet fragrance that invites you to explore its facets in peace and with due attentiveness. A fragrance that appears approachable thanks to its warm, woody aura and yet constantly oscillates between closeness and distance. A fragrance whose top note is characterized by spicy pepperiness, over which a delicate veil of incense lies. A fragrance whose wonderfully balanced and feather-light sweetness only reveals itself when the soft benzoin and tonka bean enter the stage in the heart note. However, these notes are merely charming extras that accentuate the sandalwood, which for me is the undisputed centerpiece of the fragrance, so exquisitely that I would like to say that I have hardly ever smelled it more beautifully.

Sniffsniff (PARFUMO)

Le Mat

“Le Mat is a very rare creature, a true masterpiece and one of the best perfumes ever made”
“Le Mat is a very rare creature, a true masterpiece and one of the best perfumes ever made”

Clement Paris, France


Talento è maerviglioso, nella confusone di Esxence non avevo ben capito.
Talento è maerviglioso, nella confusone di Esxence non avevo ben capito.

Gaspare, Palermo IT

Le Mat

Voglio dirti che i tuoi profumi mi hanno incantato. Oggi ho provato Le Mat per andare nel mio ufficio e sono rimasto avvolto da un'aura mistica ...

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Voglio dirti che i tuoi profumi mi hanno incantato. Oggi ho provato Le Mat per andare nel mio ufficio e sono rimasto avvolto da un'aura mistica per più di otto ore. Sento davvero che quando indosso uno dei tuoi profumi divento eterno; in un essere di un altro mondo. Le Mat, per esempio, è dolce, floreale e anche piccante. È totalmente diverso da qualsiasi altro profumo che ho usato. E, al momento di indossarlo, mi sentivo già capace di vivere la vita come un'avventura. Non stile Indiana Jones, ma quelli che lasciano il segno. Perché Le Mat lascia il segno. Sono felice Non appena avrò terminato la mia produzione giornalistica, comincerò la campagna per ottenerlo. Questo è scontato. Ti auguro un buon Natale con i tuoi cari e, ancora, grazie per avermi fatto scoprire l'universo meraviglioso e divino di Menditorrosa.

Gustavo Martinelli Tucumán- Argentina

Athanor - Le Mat - Nettuno - Talento

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the great and exciting scents from the Talisman collection. I received the entire ...

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I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the great and exciting scents from the Talisman collection. I received the entire Pocket collection this week and I am very excited about these fantastic creations. Every single scent touched me deeply, took me to dream and broadened my horizon of scents. I would love to order some of these scents from you in the foreseeable future. Thank you very much for being able to experience an insight into this new and exciting world of fragrances.

Attila , Germany


"I can't stop thinking about the uplifting, airy rose of Talento. Swipe to see the beautiful handcrafted cap. If you can get yourself to Twisted Lily ...

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"I can't stop thinking about the uplifting, airy rose of Talento. Swipe to see the beautiful handcrafted cap. If you can get yourself to Twisted Lily it's there to experience for yourself. Thank you Stefania. Your Id is still in my heart since its “birth” "

spritzi_mcgillacutty, NY via Instagram

This house is seriously underrated, cool packaging, interesting concepts, and scents that run a wide gamut of styles.
This house is seriously underrated, cool packaging, interesting concepts, and scents that run a wide gamut of styles.



Not to be a creeper, but one of the highlights of yesterday was smelling Talento.
Not to be a creeper, but one of the highlights of yesterday was smelling Talento.

Talento's Lover

This one is the most creative sets in my collection. Mendittorosa and Talismans by Mendittorosa and Talismans is like a personal treasure box. When I opened ...

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This one is the most creative sets in my collection. Mendittorosa and Talismans by Mendittorosa and Talismans is like a personal treasure box. When I opened a parcel I was amazed by all those little detailes accompanied my precious vials. An encelope with a real wax seal. Two others are very tactile with chalk handmade signs. A picture with a volcano. A tiny wire tying two vials together. A card with Tarot The Fool, and a Nettuno poem, and a little blue circle with misterious...

Anastasia Chiffchilla Link

Sogno Reale

Dear Stefania, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart, discovering 5 of your creations last summer was a milestone in my perfume ...

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Dear Stefania, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart, discovering 5 of your creations last summer was a milestone in my perfume journey, it feels like there is a before and after.I am in love and can't live without 4 of them, I have bought Le Mat and Sirio, and I am saving because I NEED Sogno Reale Sogno Reale is like going to the depths of the ocean and rising up on a wave!Le Mat - no words, masterpiece. Sirio is indeed stellar,I can fly with it high above and look down on myself and others with kindness.Thank you so much, in this world of mass market greed you give me hope and inspiration to carry on. Bless you!

Ariane UK

Le Mat

The scent of change ? Pure, blessed perfection.
The scent of change ? Pure, blessed perfection.

Persefume Poland

Sogno Reale

“Keep on dreaming... I cannot get enough of this one!”
“Keep on dreaming... I cannot get enough of this one!”

Karolina Sweden


Osang è il perfetto profumo di incenso tra tutti quelli ho sentito. Gli odori varianti mi hanno portato ad un evento rituale dal momento in follia fino ...

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Osang è il perfetto profumo di incenso tra tutti quelli ho sentito. Gli odori varianti mi hanno portato ad un evento rituale dal momento in follia fino alla fine in tranquillità. L’uso di Ambra e miele nella base mi piace tanto. In generale, i profumi di incenso sono calmi, freddi e tranquilli. Invece Osang è passionante, caldo e mi fa impazzire. Grazie di nuovo a lei e il suo studio per portare alla luce questi capolavori. Le loro specialità, ispirazioni dai misteri, dalla lunga storia napoletana rimangono nella storia. 

Haoqi Xie, ITALY


the musk that was used here is so divine not so animalica but hits the right spot. Now Im hooked
the musk that was used here is so divine not so animalica but hits the right spot. Now Im hooked

markmanscent via Instagram

Le Mat

I love Le Mat and Mendittorosa creations!
I love Le Mat and Mendittorosa creations!



domani vado a prendere osang Da quando ho scoperto questa meraviglia non mi serve manco più fidanzato mi basta il mio profumo
domani vado a prendere osang Da quando ho scoperto questa meraviglia non mi serve manco più fidanzato mi basta il mio profumo

eva.kobarynko Link

Sogno Reale

"Perfect name for this wonder of perfume. A real dream and a work of art. It has an exquisite opening for my nose. Marine notes are ...

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"Perfect name for this wonder of perfume. A real dream and a work of art. It has an exquisite opening for my nose. Marine notes are combined with citrus fruits and a good dose of rum that generate a unique and very pleasant aura. At this point and if it had no evolution it would already be a fragrance that would be worth it, but Sogno Reale advances on his journey and brings us much more. Floral nuances mixed with an animalic point and somewhat smoky background follow the marine beginning. It is a counterpoint made with great subtlety, since at no time a dramatic contrast is perceived. It is a progressive development, almost without realizing it. Finally, a base of amber and patchouli conclude this unforgettable olfactory experience. Congratulations to Amelie and Stefanie for this work."

OSCAR, Spain via Instagram

Le Mat

Lucious, sensual and refined take on spices, rose, geranium an dimmortelle. dlectable without being too gourmandy. Perfect choice if you want to feel sultry and sophisiticated.
Lucious, sensual and refined take on spices, rose, geranium an dimmortelle. dlectable without being too gourmandy. Perfect choice if you want to feel sultry and sophisiticated.

Sogno Reale

The beautiful Sogno Reale by Mendittorosa featuring lemon , Bergamot,sea notes , tuberose,patchouli, olibanum , hyrax, rum , sandlewood ,styrax and amber.... I get a beautiful amber aquatic ...

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The beautiful Sogno Reale by Mendittorosa featuring lemon , Bergamot,sea notes , tuberose,patchouli, olibanum , hyrax, rum , sandlewood ,styrax and amber.... I get a beautiful amber aquatic that projects and has great longevity

jlmarc3 via Instagram

Le Mat

Le Mat ..amore mio!!
Le Mat ..amore mio!!

Annalisa (Rome) via Instagram

Le Mat

Love love love , absolutely stunning ..opening reminds me Gulukand - Indiand Rose Petal Jam - Stunning piece of work.
Love love love , absolutely stunning ..opening reminds me Gulukand - Indiand Rose Petal Jam - Stunning piece of work.

Saurab India

Le Mat

Scent of GOD
Scent of GOD



“Nettuno What an amazing and kinetic fragrance! The development of the scent was unique and completely alive.”
“Nettuno What an amazing and kinetic fragrance! The development of the scent was unique and completely alive.”

Art and Olfaction Judging Comission

Athanor - Le Mat - Osang - Sogno Reale

Just let me take this opportunity to tell you how much I admire your concept and your creations. I am a big fan and a proud ...

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Just let me take this opportunity to tell you how much I admire your concept and your creations. I am a big fan and a proud owner of Sogno Reale, Le Mat, Osang and Athanor. And I am looking forward to smell 


Le Mat

Had a decant of this stunning perfume but I never got the chance to get a full bo le mat
Had a decant of this stunning perfume but I never got the chance to get a full bo le mat

ahmedabdulle via Instagram


“Honored to now own this work of art, a scent full of abstract olfactive labyrinths. Incredibly unique, magical, and worth every penny. Labyrinths of complexity resting ...

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“Honored to now own this work of art, a scent full of abstract olfactive labyrinths. Incredibly unique, magical, and worth every penny. Labyrinths of complexity resting above my perfume consuming skin.”

Rene Miami, USA

Le Mat

I have been longing for this piece of art for a while and finally got it,the red string wrapped up on the bottle and with ...

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I have been longing for this piece of art for a while and finally got it,the red string wrapped up on the bottle and with a bell tied on it,the talisman and the rock-like hand gripped plaster lid,all together feels like there are something spiritual is sealed within. Whoever designed this prodigious art piece is a genius!

gogo_chenguo via Instagram

Sogno Reale

Thank you for such amazing perfumes, which touched our soul.
Thank you for such amazing perfumes, which touched our soul.

Rasa, Lithuania

Le Mat

I have a travel of Le Mat and am so in love, now I need that big bottle.
I have a travel of Le Mat and am so in love, now I need that big bottle.

anonymous Croatia

Le Mat

Ho sentito il vostro profumo "Le mat" casualmente da un'amica ieri sera....e mi ha subito travolta per la sua personalità.....visto che non vi conoscevo ...

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Ho sentito il vostro profumo "Le mat" casualmente da un'amica ieri sera....e mi ha subito travolta per la sua personalità.....visto che non vi conoscevo per nulla vorrei sapere se è possibile ricevere qualche campioncino omaggio delle vostre fragranze per valutarle tutte prima di acquistare. Vi ringrazio anticipatamente se vor

Vilma, Bologna WhatsApp

Le Mat

I don't mind waiting as long as needed, the Talisman Le Mat is my favorite fragance so I would gladly wait for it for a few ...

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I don't mind waiting as long as needed, the Talisman Le Mat is my favorite fragance so I would gladly wait for it for a few more days.

Valeria Sweden


Talento is one of the most unique and stunning roses I have ever worn. ?Brava!!
Talento is one of the most unique and stunning roses I have ever worn. ?Brava!!

spritzi_mcgillacutty via Instagram

Sogno Reale

is a fragrance that transcends reality and delves into the depths of imagination. 🌙✨ It captures the essence of a dream within a dream, transporting you to ...

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is a fragrance that transcends reality and delves into the depths of imagination. 🌙✨ It captures the essence of a dream within a dream, transporting you to an ocean of gauzy marine fantasies. 🌊💭 Picture yourself by the calm sea, where the mingling scents of salty ambergris, tart boozy rum, vanilla fill the air. ⚓ But before – invigorating notes of lemon and bergamot awaken your senses 🍋☀️ Hyraceum with its earthy, leathery, and slightly musky characteristics brings a gentle touch of depth and warmth to amber accord. I would say that Sogno Reale a talisman conjured into existence, transforming the unconscious mind into an extraordinary perfumed reality.

flosolentia via Instagram

These tinny souls.do i need anything else to be in heaven?
These tinny souls.do i need anything else to be in heaven?

mahdiboy98 via Instagram

Sogno Reale

“I want to thank you for the perfume received very quickly. Now I have spent time with it I really like it. I think you have ...

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“I want to thank you for the perfume received very quickly. Now I have spent time with it I really like it. I think you have honestly captured a true feeling of wellbeing. It is beautifully blended and on my skin the rum shines through making it feel cozy and warm then at times I get a waft of fresh air which is nicely uplifting. Today I am wearing it to work and received a compliment which was nice. I may be back to your site in the future for more. Have a good day and thanks again for your talent.”

Paul (UK)

Le Mat

Im not fool loving you ..Le mat
Im not fool loving you ..Le mat

@lovethatscent via Instagram


At first smell, I was blown away. I hadn’t smelled a fragrance like this. The initial honey and myrrh with this cold church, slab stone ...

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At first smell, I was blown away. I hadn’t smelled a fragrance like this. The initial honey and myrrh with this cold church, slab stone edge threw me off. The herbal aspects of Osang are particularly fascinating too with fenugreek being at the front but also fennel pollen. A remarkable scent and a beautiful bottle to go with it.

lowerlyte via Instagram


My absolute favorite from the house. Blood, soap, church incense, period. ?⛪?
My absolute favorite from the house. Blood, soap, church incense, period. ?⛪?

sirrotsalot via Instagram

Le Mat

Menditorrosa ¡una de las mejores casas que he olido en mi vida! En esta ocasión, Le Mat viene a formar parte de la familia y ...

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Menditorrosa ¡una de las mejores casas que he olido en mi vida! En esta ocasión, Le Mat viene a formar parte de la familia y a ocupar un lugar importante en mi colección. Es un perfume maravilloso, con estela y duración enorme que va mejorando con el pasar del tiempo. ¿El mejor perfume de rosas de mi colección? Sin lugar a dudas! 😍

joshua_scents via Instagram

Le Mat

Love love love. Absolutely stunning ...opening reminds me of Gulukand -Indian Rose petal Jam. Stunning PC of work
Love love love. Absolutely stunning ...opening reminds me of Gulukand -Indian Rose petal Jam. Stunning PC of work


at fragrantica, I discovered your brand today. WOW. really WOW. So happy to find something that crazy. I am really speechless. I have never heard about ...

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at fragrantica, I discovered your brand today. WOW. really WOW. So happy to find something that crazy. I am really speechless. I have never heard about it. It fascinates me. The concept. The idea. The Presentation. Everything. It is so rare to find something special.

Anastasia Chiffchilla Link

Your products are totally art and I love them so much (even sample packs).
Your products are totally art and I love them so much (even sample packs).


Le Mat

Love this fragrance. It would be interesting to explore more Tarot cards...
Love this fragrance. It would be interesting to explore more Tarot cards...

elmarsueno via Instagram


Buongiorno Stefania, solo per dirti che la tua magia ha stregato un'altra persona. Ho venduto pochi minuti fa il mio primo Osang. Grazie alla tua passione, ...

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Buongiorno Stefania, solo per dirti che la tua magia ha stregato un'altra persona. Ho venduto pochi minuti fa il mio primo Osang. Grazie alla tua passione, alla tua arte e alla tua disponibilità ?

Gaspare, Palermo


This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to ...

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This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to your heart, to grow your talent and to follow it. Yes, I feel your love in your creations, because they all have a part of your heart and soul. That is the reason I love them so much. Thank you. ??❤

Nadine, Russia

Le Mat

I have never smelled anything this dry that is also this beautiful. But dry doesn’t mean dead. Le Mat is more like a string of ...

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I have never smelled anything this dry that is also this beautiful. But dry doesn’t mean dead. Le Mat is more like a string of DNA captured in amber than a fossil – there is life here yet. Bury your nose in the white dust of Le Mat, breathe on it, and sometimes a small, fleshy part of the rose or the damp soil of patchouli springs to life again. It is this momentary, but repeatable, capacity for reanimation that makes Le Mat so special.

Claire Ireland


I love Talento so much...
I love Talento so much...



I am obsessed with Talento.
I am obsessed with Talento.

bgirlrhapsody via Instagram

Le Mat

Le Mat do a pinwheel spiral of rose, geranium and patchouli (all smelling stunningly lush and natural), casting off warm fall spice as it spins in ...

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Le Mat do a pinwheel spiral of rose, geranium and patchouli (all smelling stunningly lush and natural), casting off warm fall spice as it spins in a cashmere breeze. 

Patric USA


Today I received « Osang «. A truly wonderful perfume and a piece of art!
Today I received « Osang «. A truly wonderful perfume and a piece of art!

Jeannette Netherlands

Archetipo - Le Mat

“Hi, i wanted to tell you that I'm a real big fan of your work i got your perfumes from Exerda Fusion Spa i got Le ...

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“Hi, i wanted to tell you that I'm a real big fan of your work i got your perfumes from Exerda Fusion Spa i got Le Mat and Architepo from there, next year i might come to Naples and it'll be dream come true to meet you in person. Honestly i love your work so much. “

Usama Aslam


Love Nettuno!!! ???
Love Nettuno!!! ???

niche_rare_fragrances via Instagram

Ithaka - Le Mat

As a traveling musician, this review speaks to me. Sometimes we travel so light that all we have is our own skin. But that does not ...

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As a traveling musician, this review speaks to me. Sometimes we travel so light that all we have is our own skin. But that does not mean we have nothing. We bring life with us. The impression of all our experience stays on our skin, like the wisps of incense you experienced days later from this scent. Mendittorosa is a beautiful house. I love the slight tangy note that place in the heart of their best compositions, giving the sweetness a complexity that keeps them interesting, wear after wear. In Le Mat, I always think of the Immortel note, long after I have showered. And so I must wear it again! I would love to bring this bottle on my travels. Be well!


Le Mat

“There are scents that we connect with in a more personal level, scents that make you reflect about the most valuable things in life, and what ...

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“There are scents that we connect with in a more personal level, scents that make you reflect about the most valuable things in life, and what truly matters. This is one of those scents, soul touching.”

Rene Miami, USA

Le Mat

Let mat is a gem
Let mat is a gem

mrcologne76 via Instagram

Le Mat - Rituale - Sogno Reale

Your creations are absolutely wonderful Stefania; I wore Le Mat and Rituale in Spain and love them both...Rituale is a magnificent fragrance. I will wear ...

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Your creations are absolutely wonderful Stefania; I wore Le Mat and Rituale in Spain and love them both...Rituale is a magnificent fragrance. I will wear Sogno Reale here in Cape Town since I think it would be perfect for the present Summer season, and also suitable as I live so close to the ocean. I have brought with me to South Africa all that you sent, and I have to admit that with your creations I have now become a compulsive fragrance sniffer. I am positive that I will be ordering another fragrance from your collection in the not-too-distant future.

V. South Africa

Le Mat

I have to try the rest of your line becasue im in love with Le Mat so beautiful and makes me plenty of compliment from men ...

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I have to try the rest of your line becasue im in love with Le Mat so beautiful and makes me plenty of compliment from men and women!!!

@badboiaknitti via Instagram

Sogno Reale

L'ho fatto provare a mia figlia adottiva senza che sapesse il nome o null'altro, e il suo commento immediato è stato: "Ah, che sogno!" ?
L'ho fatto provare a mia figlia adottiva senza che sapesse il nome o null'altro, e il suo commento immediato è stato: "Ah, che sogno!" ?

Roger London

Sogno Reale

Sogno Reale, un merveilleux parfum, qui mérite sa place parmi les plus grands.
Sogno Reale, un merveilleux parfum, qui mérite sa place parmi les plus grands.

Lavinia France

Le Mat

I bought a Le Mat pocket in January, which, by the way, has become my favourite scent in the whole world.
I bought a Le Mat pocket in January, which, by the way, has become my favourite scent in the whole world.

Sybil Romania

Sogno Reale

And believe me i adore sogno reale. Its my absolut favorite
And believe me i adore sogno reale. Its my absolut favorite

Yasmina (Netherland) via Instagram

LaCura - Sogno Reale

I recently sampled a number of your fragrances and found them all delightful. My favorites were Lacura and Le Sogno Reale. I'm considering buying a bottle ...

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I recently sampled a number of your fragrances and found them all delightful. My favorites were Lacura and Le Sogno Reale. I'm considering buying a bottle of Lacura soon.



Buongiorno ! Oggi indosso di nuovo Sirio grazie al sample che mi ha fornito il gentilissimo gestore di Zhor e ne confermo la bellezza! Anche se il ...

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Buongiorno ! Oggi indosso di nuovo Sirio grazie al sample che mi ha fornito il gentilissimo gestore di Zhor e ne confermo la bellezza! Anche se il nome induce a pensare alle stelle, io sono stata trasportata nel paradiso terrestre dove le note fruttate della mela e la prugna giocano e trasformano la regina dei fiori, la mia amata rosa che così torno ad indossare ed amare dopo che, ahimè, l’abuso e la poca sapienza di altri lavori avevano reso banale. Il fondo di legni su cui si appoggia è ammorbidito dalla vaniglia. Un viaggio siderale , una protezione, un talismano

Simona Simona, Milano, Italy


Grazie Per avermi fatto consocere il tuo mondo..spero un giorno di incontrarti..ora sirio..la stella mi ha colpita e non posso dire di no
Grazie Per avermi fatto consocere il tuo mondo..spero un giorno di incontrarti..ora sirio..la stella mi ha colpita e non posso dire di no

Cristina, Bergamo

Le Mat

have just ordered a bottle of Le Mat from your website. I am very excited and will be counting the days before its arrival! My heartfelt ...

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have just ordered a bottle of Le Mat from your website. I am very excited and will be counting the days before its arrival! My heartfelt congratulations to you all for creating a work of such radiance and beauty. Art in a glorious bottle!

Karen, Australia

Le Mat

Some months ago i ordered the wonderful LeMat at your store. such a lovely scent, that grew on me, and is one of my favs in ...

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Some months ago i ordered the wonderful LeMat at your store. such a lovely scent, that grew on me, and is one of my favs in my collection!



cold, alien and yet with an inviting warmth underneath!
cold, alien and yet with an inviting warmth underneath!

veganperfumegirl via Instagram


I am also in love with Mauna. Bellissimo First impression in few clients has been tremendous. First time I smelled it, I realized it will be ...

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I am also in love with Mauna. Bellissimo First impression in few clients has been tremendous. First time I smelled it, I realized it will be such a fantastic launch. I have felt it.

Seth, El Salvador

The essence of Art with Heart ?
The essence of Art with Heart ?

@persefume via Instagram


Thank you very much for the samples of Sirio, which I am wearing at the moment. It was a bit of a shock at first, the ...

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Thank you very much for the samples of Sirio, which I am wearing at the moment. It was a bit of a shock at first, the forbidden fruits in the opening and the early arrival of the synthetic musks but it has really grown on me!

Philip, London


I have Sogno Reale and Sirio, Talento will be another gem for me.
I have Sogno Reale and Sirio, Talento will be another gem for me.

Carla, Madrid


Perhaps now it will be my favorite instead of Le Mat
Perhaps now it will be my favorite instead of Le Mat

Mutti, Aarus


"Another great perfume that we found in the Talismans line from Mendittorosa. It has a fruity opening, with a fresh apple sweetened with rhubarb and all ...

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"Another great perfume that we found in the Talismans line from Mendittorosa. It has a fruity opening, with a fresh apple sweetened with rhubarb and all this enhanced with musk. The rose, different from that of Le Mat, enters the scene after a while, again being accompanied by some sweetness, in this case provided by the plum. At this point of development, I don't feel gourmand for my nose, despite perceiving sweet fruits throughout its evolution. This thought is changing as we move forward to the last phase, when woods enters the scene, with resinous nuances and especially vanilla, which gives a creamy and almost edible finish. Great evolution from beginning to end with very well differentiated phases and above all perfectly balanced. . ."

OSCAR, Spain via Instagram


A mesmerizing rose apparition: Talento by Mendittorosa. A gentle rose reborn in the icy flames of mint and aldehydes. Beautiful.
A mesmerizing rose apparition: Talento by Mendittorosa. A gentle rose reborn in the icy flames of mint and aldehydes. Beautiful.


Sogno Reale

“A fume with so many layers of depth, unusual, magical, soul touching formula”
“A fume with so many layers of depth, unusual, magical, soul touching formula”

Rene Miami, USA


"This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to ...

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"This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to your heart, to grow your talent and to follow it. Yes, I feel your love in your creations, because they all have a part of your heart and soul. That is the reason I love them so much. Thank you. ??❤ "

Nadine, Russia

It would be possible try few drops of nettuno? Is the only one I’m missing! Thank you very much in any case. You have a ...

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It would be possible try few drops of nettuno? Is the only one I’m missing! Thank you very much in any case. You have a very beautiful taste doing perfumes. What a nice surprise your words! Is a pleasure to discover someone who really put her heart in her creations, and not about a marketing thing. Your perfumes are truly inspiring. Non cambiare mai.

Gonzalo Madrid

Sogno Reale

Oh my. I couldn't say excatly what I was smelling of, but I knew right away it was something out of this world. I have tried ...

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Oh my. I couldn't say excatly what I was smelling of, but I knew right away it was something out of this world. I have tried many, I mean MANY, fragrances in my life and there aren't many which move me this way. It's so insanely beautiful! It's like a kiss of an angel: so warm and gentle and full of golden healing shimmer. I'm not a very religious person, but this is like a healing call and I'm in arounded some sort of golden circle and there's nothing but peace, joy and happiness ☺️🥰. It transforms me to some secret place where I feel this universal love. Please, do not ever discount this! I am going to order a full bottle from my next callary, I don't care if it's on a pricier side for me. I want to bath in this golden and beautiful dream forever ☺️. Stunning fragrance! I'm a emotional person and I have ever, EVER, felt this way with a fragrance. I don't know what to say. I'm a woman and I love Sogno Reale 😍🥰. Thank you for creating such a beautiful fragrance! I'm speachless.


Le Mat

Thank you to Joe @dorpefumes for intrudicing to thiis masterpiece
Thank you to Joe @dorpefumes for intrudicing to thiis masterpiece

scentwise USA

Le Mat

Divine scent. Otherworldly.
Divine scent. Otherworldly.



I am going to let you know that Osang is a fragrance and bottle that often finds itself wandering in my thoughts. Once I start thinking ...

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I am going to let you know that Osang is a fragrance and bottle that often finds itself wandering in my thoughts. Once I start thinking about it I can't stop.

Fernando Medina

Thank you., your ART is a timely reminder of following my ?. Blessings to you and your beautiful soul.
Thank you., your ART is a timely reminder of following my ?. Blessings to you and your beautiful soul.

Kathleen USA


“I felt in LOVE with Nettuno”
“I felt in LOVE with Nettuno”

Melissa Gypsy Love (Milan) via Instagram


Just got delivered some liquid power in mini format today, thank you! 😉
Just got delivered some liquid power in mini format today, thank you! 😉

@skinandscentsaga via Instagram

Le Mat

“Le Mat is sooo gooood, really well blended has this vintage twist great for my summer nights, it's my favourite perfume now. Congratulations for this. And ...

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“Le Mat is sooo gooood, really well blended has this vintage twist great for my summer nights, it's my favourite perfume now. Congratulations for this. And keep the wonderful job that you do.” –


Le Mat

Suffice to say how beautiful Le mat smells...immortelle and patchouli combine to give a sense of heavenly heartiness, then a reech rose emerges ..quite a ...

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Suffice to say how beautiful Le mat smells...immortelle and patchouli combine to give a sense of heavenly heartiness, then a reech rose emerges ..quite a technical prowess..the perfume opens on spicy notes, then thy continually spark on and off troughout.. the perfumer here is a most accomplished artist.

Anne Sophie Behaghel via Instagram


Osang without a doubt is one of my favorite.
Osang without a doubt is one of my favorite.

Albert Texas

Le Mat

Hello Stefania, A shiny golden parcel arrived in Sydney today containing my Le Mat perfume. I am swooning tonight and smiling as I discover this wonderful ...

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Hello Stefania, A shiny golden parcel arrived in Sydney today containing my Le Mat perfume. I am swooning tonight and smiling as I discover this wonderful creation. Thank you and congratulations!

Sue Australia


Athanor.. Wow, it was love at first smell. It's deep, interesting, sweet. I really love it. Great work! I'll be sending some more thoughts soon. Thanks ...

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Athanor.. Wow, it was love at first smell. It's deep, interesting, sweet. I really love it. Great work! I'll be sending some more thoughts soon. Thanks Stefania for adding some Mendittorosa magic to my "lockdown" routine.


Sogno Reale

Many have attempted to create a scent that captures the essence of the sea, but Sogno Reale is the only fragrance that’s recreated it, and ...

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Many have attempted to create a scent that captures the essence of the sea, but Sogno Reale is the only fragrance that’s recreated it, and given it soul and warmth.

Alise UK


"Netunno" is clever, clean, deeply spiritual and comes in a flacon which is a true objet d'art. The flacons intriguing mosaic work shines and smiles back ...

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"Netunno" is clever, clean, deeply spiritual and comes in a flacon which is a true objet d'art. The flacons intriguing mosaic work shines and smiles back to you, so uplifting:)

Helen Catton Link


my dream to try this fragrance ??
my dream to try this fragrance ??

sarahgallogly UK


Magic of alchemy, Athanor from @mendittorosa_odori_talismans, perfect creation of
Magic of alchemy, Athanor from @mendittorosa_odori_talismans, perfect creation of


Le Mat

Got it today, so happy!madly in love with it!
Got it today, so happy!madly in love with it!

ameliakoenigsberg via Instagram


Spectacular, artistic view on a green apple fragrance
Spectacular, artistic view on a green apple fragrance

Roumann, USA

Sogno Reale

Tutti mi sembravano meravigliosi. Alcuni mi hanno commosso più di altri, ma tutti hanno indiscutibilmente scosso il mio spirito. Soprattutto Nettuno. Ho pensato che fosse un ...

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Tutti mi sembravano meravigliosi. Alcuni mi hanno commosso più di altri, ma tutti hanno indiscutibilmente scosso il mio spirito. Soprattutto Nettuno. Ho pensato che fosse un elisir fresco, possente fresco, direi, in cui l'acqua e le note di Iris prevalgono su pelle o muschio. Non appena l'ho indossato, sono stato trasportato in quei pisolini profumati che ho trascorso da bambino nella mia città. La mia casa era circondata da alberi sempreverdi che, a dicembre, esplodevano in fiori con un delizioso profumo di gelsomino e fiori d'arancio. Così, alla siesta e con la pelle afosa, quell'aroma inondò il patio, entrò nelle camere da letto e si arrampicò sulla terrazza. Ero contento di quell'aroma e Nettuno mi ha fatto recuperare quella felicità arcana. Ti ringrazio infinitamente Sogno Reale, d'altra parte, l'ha amato per la sua potente combinazione di ambra e sandalo. Anche le note di limone, bergamotto e nardo mi hanno incantato. Devo confessare che ti è piaciuto tanto quanto i testi di Borges. E Jorge Luis Borges è il mio capo sceneggiatore. Inoltre, penso che Borges avrebbe adottato questo profumo, perché credeva nella magia e amava l'alchimia. Sogno Reale è un elisir alchemico che farebbe arrossire Paracelso.

Gustavo, Argentina

Le Mat

I love it
I love it

Hilde (Norway) via Instagram

Le Mat

 il profumo è strepitoso 🙂
 il profumo è strepitoso 🙂


Le Mat

One of the best rose based fragrance I’ve come across in my journey. I absolutely love the raw and abstract approach towards the making of ...

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One of the best rose based fragrance I’ve come across in my journey. I absolutely love the raw and abstract approach towards the making of this perfume, from the blend and the crafting of the bottle. So beautiful and artistic. The addition of immortelle in this adds a magic touch to the blend along with the jammy rose and spices, making it very sensual and mysterious. A true bliss to wear in the rainy days and colder seasons, giving the wearer a delightful experience. A must have for the rose lovers, very unisex and wearable. Overall this is an amazing fragrance and a true masterpiece the way I see things. I recommend everyone to give this one a try 🤓

desifragheads via Instagram

Le Mat

My favorite perfume
My favorite perfume

Sogno Reale

"The No. 1 fragrance that has ever kissed my skin. I am honored to wear this. How this fragrance was conceived is an incredible testament to how ...

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"The No. 1 fragrance that has ever kissed my skin. I am honored to wear this. How this fragrance was conceived is an incredible testament to how dreams come true."

@cologniano_d via Instagram

Sogno Reale

“Sweet creamy woods with salty marine nuances to contrast the sweet gourmandish vanilla/woody theme, absolutely stunning”
“Sweet creamy woods with salty marine nuances to contrast the sweet gourmandish vanilla/woody theme, absolutely stunning”

Rene Miami, USA

Sogno Reale

Thank you very much for your beautiful soul. You made masteprieces. I adore you. Please never stop dreaming. Sogno Reale made me cry for its beauty. ...

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Thank you very much for your beautiful soul. You made masteprieces. I adore you. Please never stop dreaming. Sogno Reale made me cry for its beauty. Never cried before for the beauty of a scent.

@deeplight_109 via Instagram


Sirio è stupendo.
Sirio è stupendo.

Manu Fortuna via Instagram

Loved trying them at @cherrygardenparfum last night!
Loved trying them at @cherrygardenparfum last night!

nagy.e.gergely via Instagram

fanstatic! always love your perfume art work 🙂
fanstatic! always love your perfume art work 🙂

athena_huynh5791 athena_huynh5791

Le Mat

Great fragrance. A dark, interesting rose ?
Great fragrance. A dark, interesting rose ?

thesniffwebsite via Instagram


There is something inside that i can not describe properly. But i think this is one of the greatest leather accord that i ever felt
There is something inside that i can not describe properly. But i think this is one of the greatest leather accord that i ever felt

Kaprizas Link

Le Mat

One of the absolute best spicy ?fragrances ever created.
One of the absolute best spicy ?fragrances ever created.

Roumann, USA

Le Mat

I know them all and they are fantastic scents, especially Le Mat?
I know them all and they are fantastic scents, especially Le Mat?

thescentology via Instagram


I am going to order the wonderful perfume Sirio from your website, it is one of the best rose perfumes I've smelled for a long time! ...

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I am going to order the wonderful perfume Sirio from your website, it is one of the best rose perfumes I've smelled for a long time! And the bottle design is just the next level!

Mingchao UK

Le Mat

Troppo buono
Troppo buono

@crpelena via Instagram

Sogno Reale

C'est vraiment un parfum magnifique ! ???
C'est vraiment un parfum magnifique ! ???

lesplusbeauxparfums via Instagram

Le Mat

Le Mat is like no other. In a class of it’s own. An acquired taste in fragrance. A masterpiece.
Le Mat is like no other. In a class of it’s own. An acquired taste in fragrance. A masterpiece.

cologniano_d via Instagram

Le Mat

I love this scent and some special smiles prfectly capture the essence of Le Mat
I love this scent and some special smiles prfectly capture the essence of Le Mat

Devika via Instagram

Nettuno - Sogno Reale

“Sogno Reale and Nettuno - they're both beautiful pieces of work, but there's just something about Nettuno - the otherworldly cool sheen, leather, rose and juxtaposing ...

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“Sogno Reale and Nettuno - they're both beautiful pieces of work, but there's just something about Nettuno - the otherworldly cool sheen, leather, rose and juxtaposing quiet, sweet, warm powder of Nettuno that draws me in.”

Steven UK

Le Mat

“Le Mat..Boozy Delight!”
“Le Mat..Boozy Delight!”

Ochko (Paris) via Instagram

Sogno Reale

Stunning fragrance, opens with citrus, aquatic accords, subtle rum, amber and sandalwood complete the pleasure.
Stunning fragrance, opens with citrus, aquatic accords, subtle rum, amber and sandalwood complete the pleasure.

irisandrosescent via Instagram

Le Mat

I’be been dreaming of Le Mat since I tried it this spring ?
I’be been dreaming of Le Mat since I tried it this spring ?

juliasperfume via Instagram


 #leather that’s ethereal, textural, and as conceptual as can be: #nettuno from @mendittorosa_odori_talismans.
 #leather that’s ethereal, textural, and as conceptual as can be: #nettuno from @mendittorosa_odori_talismans.

a_nose_knows https://www.instagram.com/p/B3NgFZlhl3v/


I only wore Mauna for a day or so but absolutely love it.
I only wore Mauna for a day or so but absolutely love it.

Patrick, HK

This is real indie/ niche quality! This is what you call spiritual creation
This is real indie/ niche quality! This is what you call spiritual creation

Irfan Khan Jhatial Link

Le Mat

My verdict on this would be that it’s a very artistic #rosefragrance , note are unique and the experience in all is very rare Pratik, insta: ...

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My verdict on this would be that it’s a very artistic #rosefragrance , note are unique and the experience in all is very rare Pratik, insta: pratick_sadarani_official

Pratik Pratik

Le Mat - Sogno Reale

Mendittorosa Makes gorgeous perfumes, some of my all time favorites like Le Mat and Sogno Reale
Mendittorosa Makes gorgeous perfumes, some of my all time favorites like Le Mat and Sogno Reale

Dana, USA


A mesmerizing rose apparition: Talento by Mendittorosa. A gentle rose reborn in the icy flames of mint and aldehydes. Beautiful.
A mesmerizing rose apparition: Talento by Mendittorosa. A gentle rose reborn in the icy flames of mint and aldehydes. Beautiful.

Bloom Perfumery, London

Le Mat

My number one perfume! 🌅🥀❤️⁣  LeMat is something I save for rare times I venture into our desolate red landscape and enjoy the combination of perfume and ...

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My number one perfume! 🌅🥀❤️⁣  LeMat is something I save for rare times I venture into our desolate red landscape and enjoy the combination of perfume and nature. I can feel my mind dance as I wear this evocative beauty. Brain food for my nose. ⁣

scentwise, USA

Le Mat

For over 30 years I wore the same Italian fragrance until it was discontinued. For the last 8 years I have been searching for another fragrance to fill ...

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For over 30 years I wore the same Italian fragrance until it was discontinued. For the last 8 years I have been searching for another fragrance to fill the void and then I discovered Le Mat. Or rather Le Mat found me. Fate? Chance? I don’t know, but I bless you for it.

Tanya, UK

Le Mat - Nettuno

Le Mat and Nettuno my love of fragrances
Le Mat and Nettuno my love of fragrances



MY all time favourite
MY all time favourite



For me, this fragrance is special because once, during a rare meditation, I managed to physically feel these vibrations of the absence of time, space, and ...

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For me, this fragrance is special because once, during a rare meditation, I managed to physically feel these vibrations of the absence of time, space, and sound. So, I immediately grasped the idea and was deeply moved by this perfume. This feeling has never returned to me during meditations since. Mauna starts with savory, nose-tickling black pepper and spicy ginger, gradually giving way to sandalwood, whose creamy, almost dessert-like richness blooms fully as the fragrance unfolds on the skin. Balsamic resins, as Stefania loves, do not take long to appear. Yet, the entire dance of components revolves around the divine sweet creamy Indian sandalwood, which perfumer Cristiano Canali worked with brilliantly. I am particularly impressed by the design of the perfume caps in the raku style, created by Tuscan artist Alessandro Reggioli. Here, the cap symbolizes a closed lotus bud. And when you take the bottle out of the wooden box, the hand-painted leaf unfolds. It’s an amazing work both inside and out. This is a case where perfumery can be wholly and rightfully considered a work of art.

Viktoria, Germany

Ho appena completato la nuova prova del set Talismans, ho molto apprezzato la straordinaria qualità e sfaccettatura dei tuoi profumi. Ho appena fatto un ordine per ...

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Ho appena completato la nuova prova del set Talismans, ho molto apprezzato la straordinaria qualità e sfaccettatura dei tuoi profumi. Ho appena fatto un ordine per il set Odori dell'Anima, vorrei provarli tutti prima di scegliere.

Carmine Como, Italy


It's a pleasant sandalwood well made perfume.
It's a pleasant sandalwood well made perfume.

Oksana, Bloom London Ownwer


One of the most loved this year.
One of the most loved this year.

Le Mat

To me Mendittorosa is one of the best niche brands I've seen in my 9 years of perfume hobby. To see so much effort put into the ...

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To me Mendittorosa is one of the best niche brands I've seen in my 9 years of perfume hobby. To see so much effort put into the bottles, packaging and the perfume itself without following trends is really admirable - I agree with everything written in your manifesto. Bravo! Le Mat is such an exceptional perfume and holds a lot of meaning for me. It smells exactly like my precious childhood memories of hot summer days in the Italian countryside. There's so much love in Le Mat and I'm very lucky to have a bottle soon! The price is very big for a young student like me but wearing Le Mat makes the world become warmer, harmonious and more positive. That is truly something worth investing in!  Can't wait to try more Mendittorosa perfumes, especially Sogno Reale which is also composed by Flair.

Emil, Helsinki

Le Mat

My bottle of Le Mat just arrived, and it is exquisite! It has been on my "to buy" list for years, and I'm so thrilled to ...

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My bottle of Le Mat just arrived, and it is exquisite! It has been on my "to buy" list for years, and I'm so thrilled to finally have a bottle of it! Thank you so much for the handwritten letter! It really touched my heart that you remembered me, and that you took the time to look at my artwork ❤ Le Mat is already a big source of inspiration for me, as are the rest of your fragrances. Hopefully one day I will have many more of your creations in my collection!

Stephanie Canada

Le Mat

“My wife and me love your fragrances - we've bought Le Mat in Prague last autumn. I hope we'll enjoy new fragrance as well as Le ...

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“My wife and me love your fragrances - we've bought Le Mat in Prague last autumn. I hope we'll enjoy new fragrance as well as Le Mat.”

Dmitry Vsevolozhsk, Russia

Sogno Reale

“I am really pleased with Sogno Relae witch I acquired couple months back, along with the trilogy collection samples. They are all very simple, but really ...

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“I am really pleased with Sogno Relae witch I acquired couple months back, along with the trilogy collection samples. They are all very simple, but really magical and warm in their own way.”

Hatim Netherlands

Splendid collection !! Love them all!!?? Extremely beautiful packed!
Splendid collection !! Love them all!!?? Extremely beautiful packed!

white_herow via Instagram


questa volta ti sei superata, realizzando un vero e proprio capolavoro sensoriale! Sei un'anima speciale, un abbraccio e grazie.
questa volta ti sei superata, realizzando un vero e proprio capolavoro sensoriale! Sei un'anima speciale, un abbraccio e grazie.

Laura Italy


I don’t know why but this bottle hypnotizes me?
I don’t know why but this bottle hypnotizes me?

olga_vykhodchenko via Instagram


Credo che questo Profumo sia una opera d'arte, un capolavoro olfattivo.grazie per averlo creato.❤️
Credo che questo Profumo sia una opera d'arte, un capolavoro olfattivo.grazie per averlo creato.❤️

Marco, Palermo

Le Mat

I am looking froward to experience this beautiful fragrance. Le Mat Love
I am looking froward to experience this beautiful fragrance. Le Mat Love

Toshi, NY

Le Mat - Nettuno - Osang - Sirio

bottle design is crucial
bottle design is crucial

fragrantliaisons via Instagram

Sogno Reale

An amazing composition of citrus, aquatic notes, rum, amber and sandalwood.
An amazing composition of citrus, aquatic notes, rum, amber and sandalwood.

irisandrosescent via Instagram

Archetipo - Le Mat

A different rose, accompanied by immortelle and wrapped in spices such as nutmeg, make this wonder one of my most versatile fragrances. Magnificent creation of Anne ...

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A different rose, accompanied by immortelle and wrapped in spices such as nutmeg, make this wonder one of my most versatile fragrances. Magnificent creation of Anne Sophie Behagel



btw Nettuno and others perfumes from your company are magnificent!! looking forward to seeing more new perfumes from your company ????
btw Nettuno and others perfumes from your company are magnificent!! looking forward to seeing more new perfumes from your company ????

@patricktpc via Instagram

ID - North - Sirio

I'd love to smell ID, NORTH, and SIRIUS if that possible I'd greatly appreciate it! Le mat is a work of art I'm sure these are ...

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I'd love to smell ID, NORTH, and SIRIUS if that possible I'd greatly appreciate it! Le mat is a work of art I'm sure these are going to amaze me as well.

Indianapoli USA

Le Mat

this perfume is a very well-composed blend of sweet, warm, fresh, and earthy notes, making it ideal for any occasion. It is also extremely long-lasting, but ...

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this perfume is a very well-composed blend of sweet, warm, fresh, and earthy notes, making it ideal for any occasion. It is also extremely long-lasting, but I also have to add the warning that it will survive on clothes for one or two washings even

adan_ds via Instagram


Nettuno is stunning 😍✨
Nettuno is stunning 😍✨



“Not being able to completely dissect this fragrance drives me nuts, but I understand that this is a sign of a masterfully crafted perfume. I do ...

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“Not being able to completely dissect this fragrance drives me nuts, but I understand that this is a sign of a masterfully crafted perfume. I do pick up on iris without a doubt, but don't get it twisted, this is an iris note unlike any other, I get the balsamic facets, the myrrh,incense,and for sure the honey which unfolds it's semi animalic sweetness slowly. But Osang is more than just a fragrance, it is an experience, a journey to the unknown. This is in my opinion a scent of many layers, it goes through different abstract floral, spicy, resinous, sweet facets, hard to put into words. Osang possess a big punch, is a high impact fragrance , super long lasting , concentrated extrait de parfum at 30% and very unique. Cold at first when smelling it in the air but extremely warming when putting the nose close to your skin to breathe in the intoxicating aroma of this miracle of love. The bottle is a work of art as well, and heavy as a rock.”

Rene Miami, USA


Talento is amazing smell!
Talento is amazing smell!

Luckas, Bratislava

Le Mat

“I am in love with this fragrance. It's gorgeous.”
“I am in love with this fragrance. It's gorgeous.”

Nadine Russia

Sogno Reale

Been wearing this more and more - such a unique blend! Something about this fragrance is simply and truly charming. It lives up to its name ??
Been wearing this more and more - such a unique blend! Something about this fragrance is simply and truly charming. It lives up to its name ??

thecopythinker via Instagram


Everyone ❤️ love Mauna !! So nice: I sold 12 bottles in 4 hours
Everyone ❤️ love Mauna !! So nice: I sold 12 bottles in 4 hours

Moody, AU


Amygdala arrived. What a beautiful thing it is.The perfume is so complex and compelling. I expect nothing less from your amazing imagination. 
Amygdala arrived. What a beautiful thing it is.The perfume is so complex and compelling. I expect nothing less from your amazing imagination. 

Alex United Kingdom

Thank you very much for your wonderful perfumes with soul
Thank you very much for your wonderful perfumes with soul

Carlos, Valencia

Mendittorosa goes above and beyond for sure!
Mendittorosa goes above and beyond for sure!


Daymon - Sirio

Buongiorno, scrivo qualche riga per ringraziarvi. Per ringraziare la maestria con la quale proponete fragranze meravigliose e l'alta sensibilità che mostrate per il nostro Pianeta. Due ...

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Buongiorno, scrivo qualche riga per ringraziarvi. Per ringraziare la maestria con la quale proponete fragranze meravigliose e l'alta sensibilità che mostrate per il nostro Pianeta. Due settimane fa ho ordinato presso il Vostro e-commerce Sirio che ho trovato magnifico annusandolo a casa di un'amica. All'arrivo del pacco avevate incluso un sample di Daymon per il quale ho avuto una folgorazione, amore a prima sniffata :-). Ed eccomi qui nuovamente. Grazie di nuovo e ancora tanti complimenti. Cristiana"

Cristiana Italy


This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to ...

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This magic combination of rose and mint - fragile, tender, sophisticated. Like a talent may be deep inside a person and you have to listen to your heart, to grow your talent and to follow it. Yes, I feel your love in your creations, because they all have a part of your heart and soul. That is the reason I love them so much. Thank you. ??❤

Nadine, Russia


I am writing to express my admiration for your brand, which has become my favorite fragrance brand. I adore all your creations and find them truly ...

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I am writing to express my admiration for your brand, which has become my favorite fragrance brand. I adore all your creations and find them truly exceptional❣️ I am particularly excited about your new release, Mauna, and plan to purchase it soon.

Aromatica Explorator (P & V)

Le Mat

Stefania, its here !! The Le Mat !! And I am madly in love with it ! Pure, unadulterated class…makes me think of a rich dark resinous glaze ...

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Stefania, its here !! The Le Mat !! And I am madly in love with it ! Pure, unadulterated class…makes me think of a rich dark resinous glaze on an old earthenware vessel; and gleaming saddlery; and, someone who knows how to dress, with a style unencumbered by anyone else’s taste. Fabulous! And of course your packaging is wonderful too, with all the different, almost raw, textures. BUT, I am most impressed by the the fact that you felt the sense of responsibility, and took the time, to send the perfume yourself…to an unknown customer... half way around the world in crazy raucous America. Thank you, Stefania! xoxo Your grateful and happy client.

Pam Vincent California

Athanor - Sogno Reale

am a huge fan of your creations - Sogno Reale and Athanor are my two signature fragrances 🙂
am a huge fan of your creations - Sogno Reale and Athanor are my two signature fragrances 🙂



I got a sample of it from twisted lily a few weeks ago and decided to try it this morning. Oh lord this stuff is simply ...

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I got a sample of it from twisted lily a few weeks ago and decided to try it this morning. Oh lord this stuff is simply fantastic. Your finest creation in my opinion. I’ve had it on for 4 hours now and still going strong. Brava to you!

Philip, London


This got me to finally place my first order with your brand! I’m already in love with Nettuno from the reviews that I’ve read ...

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This got me to finally place my first order with your brand! I’m already in love with Nettuno from the reviews that I’ve read and currently on a huge iris trip + looking for inspiration in scents even more than usual! thank you for the pocket talismans

@chronic_bitchface via Instagram

Le Mat

This is such a perfectly beautiful composition le mat
This is such a perfectly beautiful composition le mat



My new baby arrived today, damn... that packaging!!!!
My new baby arrived today, damn... that packaging!!!!

Jonathan, Paris

Le Mat

You cannot imagine the beauty you made. I have looked for a good perfume for over 15 years. Now I found Le Mat
You cannot imagine the beauty you made. I have looked for a good perfume for over 15 years. Now I found Le Mat

anonimous Russia


Sirio wonderful, hope have it soon
Sirio wonderful, hope have it soon

josephamhoang via Instagram

??? What an amazing presentation has this house
??? What an amazing presentation has this house


Le Mat - Sogno Reale

I really appreciate you took time both for shipping and answering my impatient enquiry. I must take this opportunity to state my admiration for you and ...

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I really appreciate you took time both for shipping and answering my impatient enquiry. I must take this opportunity to state my admiration for you and your creations – as I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Le Mat and Sogno Reale - the scent, the bottle designs, the names - everything. Best of luck with your fantastic work!

Andrei, Romania

Dear Stephanie, thank you the spirits themselves are wonderful, and the price is pleasant and your participation is just a gift!
Dear Stephanie, thank you the spirits themselves are wonderful, and the price is pleasant and your participation is just a gift!

@juliasperfume via Instagram

LaCura - Sirio

Solo oggi sono riuscita ad andare da Zhor s sentire Lacura e volevo dirti che il risultato è stato che mi sono innamorata anche di Sirio! Sono ...

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Solo oggi sono riuscita ad andare da Zhor s sentire Lacura e volevo dirti che il risultato è stato che mi sono innamorata anche di Sirio! Sono profumi particolari che si distanziano anni luce dagli altri, con una cifra distintiva e una cura che parte anche dal flacone. Bellissimi

Simona Simona, Milano, italy

Le Mat Candle

Hi Stefania, I just wanted to thank you very much for the candle, it is truly wonderful and indeed feels very protective and positive. I hope ...

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Hi Stefania, I just wanted to thank you very much for the candle, it is truly wonderful and indeed feels very protective and positive. I hope you continue to look at candles in some of your other wonderful creations. Thank you again, your work is so appreciated and admired. Kindest regards



Love this perfume and @mendittorosa_odori_talismans is also one of my absolute favorite niche brands. What I like about Nettuno is that it is not ...

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Love this perfume and @mendittorosa_odori_talismans is also one of my absolute favorite niche brands. What I like about Nettuno is that it is not a punchy leathery but very chick leather fragrance with really beautiful iris.

Yana, Germany

Le Mat

I was absolutely blown away by Le Mat. To me, Le Mat is so deep, opulent, practically chewy, and powerful in nature. In fact, I sprayed ...

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I was absolutely blown away by Le Mat. To me, Le Mat is so deep, opulent, practically chewy, and powerful in nature. In fact, I sprayed Le Mat on my wrist, and later this morning was playing with my 3 year old son when he suddenly stopped, pointed to my hand and asked "what's that?" I said "a special fragrance from Italy" and he smiled and said he likes it a lot. Thank you immensely for your intoxicating fragrance creations.

V.N South Africa

Le Mat

Le Mat @mendittorosa_odori_talismans something about wearing this brand’s perfumes feels like casting spells. Le Mat the crazy fool energy. Powerful warm immortelle perfume, ...

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Le Mat @mendittorosa_odori_talismans something about wearing this brand’s perfumes feels like casting spells. Le Mat the crazy fool energy. Powerful warm immortelle perfume, enchanting. The bottle is ♥️ Niche brands are all different. But when you come across one that is artisanal, intelligent and cool like this brand you know you stumbled across something true. It’s like with people, some people are all show and all the bravado is partially targeted within, they are trying to convince themselves and those around them that they are the “real deal”. Truly authentic ones don’t need the razzle dazzle, paid bloggers, fake stuff extravaganza. They are enough.

sa_san_bon via Instagram


...the smell is amazing. So cold, so strange but i love it ?
...the smell is amazing. So cold, so strange but i love it ?

Kaprizas Link

it is a hard one to pull off. I havent smelt anything like it
it is a hard one to pull off. I havent smelt anything like it

perfume.library via Instagram

Le Mat - Osang - Sogno Reale

... I am a huge admirer of your work and what you have done with the company. I am a perfume addict and have a big collection, ...

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... I am a huge admirer of your work and what you have done with the company. I am a perfume addict and have a big collection, but your Le Mat, Sogno Reale and Osang are among my top four or five fragrances — all of them absolutely STUNNING.

Philip, London

Sogno Reale

“Got myself a second skin”
“Got myself a second skin”


Le Mat

Still love this. After a couple of years of having some of it I haven’t tired of it at all. One of the best! ?
Still love this. After a couple of years of having some of it I haven’t tired of it at all. One of the best! ?

Nicola UK

Le Mat

My love, it is in my top 10
My love, it is in my top 10

my_day_parfum via Instagram

Le Mat

This is such a perfectly beautiful composition
This is such a perfectly beautiful composition

roblovesperfume via Instagram

Le Mat

“Such an hypnotizing composition! A smooth warm spicy woody veil over a beautiful bed of immortelle and rose...masterfully blended”
“Such an hypnotizing composition! A smooth warm spicy woody veil over a beautiful bed of immortelle and rose...masterfully blended”

Oswald USA

Loved trying them at @cherrygardenparfum last night!
Loved trying them at @cherrygardenparfum last night!

@cherrygardenparfum via Instagram


Not to be a creeper, but one of the highlights of yesterday was smelling Talento.
Not to be a creeper, but one of the highlights of yesterday was smelling Talento.

Talento Lover

Le Mat

Love it ❤️s rose patchouli earth notes
Love it ❤️s rose patchouli earth notes

devikabanerjeevelodi via Instagram